Episode 20. Self-Inquiry: A conversation with Alice Nicholls


I thought I might title this episode 'Trigger Warning', as I mention in the intro, but as I made the image in Canva, I rested on Self-Inquiry as a softer introduction to this deeply explorative conversation. Alice is someone I have known virtually from the other side of the world now for 4 years. I have had the joy of meeting her in the flesh once; I hope with every ounce of my being that the world shifts + I will have that opportunity again. For now, I get to revel in her magnificence via the screen of my phone.

She is captivating + compelling all at once. Never have I taken the time to listen to her wisdom + regretted it. I feel certain you will feel the same after listening to this episode. However, I cannot promise you that you won't be triggered; I can in fact almost guarantee that at times you will. Within these moments though lies the opportunity for true self-inquiry, and the exploration and solidification of your own personal truth; something which the system is attempting to keep you from, but which every one of us must dig deep to both discover + then hold onto without compromise.

Where is your line? I hope today's episode will help you gain clarity + conviction around that very question. The rest is up to you.

You can find Alice here:

Website: www.alicenicholls.com (where you can also sign up for her newsletter or you can just click here to do it now)

Instagram: www.instagram.com/thewholedaily


Episode 21. Feminine Wisdom: A conversation with Adele Wimsett


Episode 19. Creativity + Healing: A conversation with Anna Michalska