Episode 26. Building Blocks: A conversation with Dina Dabian


I first came to know of Dina in 2021 through her work with the UK Medical Freedom Alliance (a very important organisation, given the times, consisting of doctors and various other health care professionals, which I have linked up below). It was my friend Friday who introduced me to Dina, and I was immediately impressed by her knowledge, conviction and strength of character. These last two years have presented me with the opportunity to connect with many women who have truly risen to the calling to fight for a better way for humanity. These connections have enriched my life in ways I didn’t know I was missing, and I will always be grateful that the madness has given me so much in terms of community, and in turn, personal growth. I felt sure I would enjoy wherever my conversation with Dina took us, and I was right; I hope you gain from it too.

In her ‘day to day’ life, Dina is a Holistic Nutritionist, specialising in working with women who are of reproductive age, supporting them with hormonal balance. She is currently also training in homeopathy.

You can find Dina on Instagram:


You can learn more about the UK Medical Freedom Alliance here:


Find me (Rochelle) here:



or join me on Telegram here

I also send a weekly love note - Heart to Heart - which is a very short message sharing what I have personally enjoyed listening to/learning that week, as well as some brief musings, and then once a month - The Soul Review - in which I share a blog post with the deeper thoughts I have had for that month, plant based recipes, the physical + energetic properties of essential oils, my latest offerings, as well as guest posts on house plants, astrology + crystals. I put a lot of love into these, so they feel nourishing to receive into your inbox. You can sign up to receive these from me here.


Episode 27. Remembrance: Her wing is opening


Episode 25. Kindness + Community: A conversation with Joanna Helcke