
Since motherhood I have been presented with many seasons of deep reflection + contemplation. Each time I have been thrown into uncertainty + inadequacy, but I have always welcomed these moments with curiosity + intrigue. I have always had a sense that good was coming as a result of them, and indeed each time these seasons have completed, I have come out as a truer + more authentic version of myself.

Tonight as we spoke about my Gene Keys profile there came moments of unexpected realisation + an outpouring of tears.

Gene Keys, as described by Richard Rudd, the teacher that was tasked with bringing this wisdom to the world, describes them as:

“…a living wisdom. These are teachings to imbibe, contemplate and apply in your daily life. As you allow them to percolate inside you, one by one your troubles will begin to fall away, and you will find yourself inhabiting a new and brighter life…a grand synthesis of practical wisdom to help guide you to a deeper understanding of yourself and your true potential. Like a precious treasure map, [these teachings invite] you on a journey of self discovery to find the true higher purpose of your life.”

I have known for a while now that I will soon need to enter into a season of self-study. The seasons so far, the moments in the void as Gus would describe it, have been internal, and based purely around feeling. I have not been able to, or tried to, describe them. They have just worked through me, changing me without me really having to ‘understand’ any of it. I know now to go to the next level of truth, that I need to ‘understand’. This is something I feel anxious about, but am ready for. I am grateful for this growth, and I know I am meant for it…we all are…we are all meant to live our purpose. Of course.

The word ‘purpose’ is something Gus + I discussed tonight. It hadn't occurred to me that many may hear this word, and see it as something that is action based. For example: a woman may suddenly have an empty nest and isn't sure what to do next, and so they look to find ‘a purpose’. Purpose for me though is not something you can just choose out of a hat. It is not ‘a’ purpose but ‘your’ purpose. It is something that is uniquely yours. Given at birth. On a soul level. But we have layers to unpick. Because this purpose is hidden from us, or many of us, by life experiences, as well as society's expectations + ‘rules’. So many of us fall into a cookie cutter version of ourselves, never revealing the truth of who we are.

I am so committed to my evolution. Not to a new version of me, but to my truest form. Evolving into who I was born here to be. Self-study…true understanding…or at the very least the next level of unpicking…here I come. I am grateful for this growth. I am here for it in every way. Are you?

This week’s Podcast Defining Success

This week I am guided towards: My Husband


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Guide or By-stander?

