
Let me define this word for you as I feel it, and I know so many women are also melting into the knowing of too:


The revival of the inner knowing of humanity. The uncovering of lost wisdom. The coming home to the Earth. The resurgence of consciousness. The reclamation of sovereignty.

Can you feel it too? Tingling in your finger tips? Energetically guiding your movements: asking you to put your bare feet on the earth, your hands in the dirt, your arms out wide, with your heart high and your back strong?

We had lost our way. We had closed our eyes. We had shut off our hearts.

No longer. We are back. We remember. And we are here to claim everything that is meant for us.

Every single day I am guided to this knowledge. Every single day I can feel the power of it growing + pulsing through my body. I know they can feel it too. I know it scares them, and drives them to the desperation we see today. I know it will be their undoing.

Don’t fear a thing. Dig deep into the remembrance. Let it guide you too, and bring you strength. Remember - make that your daily work. Uncover. Know. Come home. Remember.


To follow along with my thoughts + feelings, and life adventures, you can find me on Instagram here or you can join my newsletter here. I would love to hear from you if this is something you also choose to explore - the bigger the community around me the better!




Mother Line Fruit Salad