Sacred Waters: A Journey into Water Consciousness


Respecting Water

In today’s world water has become a commodity rather than a sacred entity deserving of reverence. From being filled with chemicals to being forcefully processed through sewage plants and pipelines, we've lost touch with the true essence of water.

Consider for a moment the difference between water sourced from a natural spring and the water that flows from our taps. Spring water emerges from the earth in a state of purity, imbued with vital energy and mineral content. It's alive, vibrant, and in harmony with its surroundings - it is created slowly. In contrast, tap water often lacks this vitality, having been stripped of its natural properties through filtration processes and chemical additives.

Whilst in an ideal world we would all be drinking from a natural source, sadly this is not realistic. However, for over twenty years now I have been on a journey with water, and as I learn more the more I want to, and do, bring it as closely back to its natural state as possible. This started off very basically for me, as for many of us, with a Brita Filter, but as I have journeyed, the more I have done and the more I aim to do in the future, to ensure the water in my home is both good for those that I love (as opposed to harmful), and also honours water in the way it deserves to be respected. Through mindful practices such as filtration, remineralisation, and restructuring, we can transform ordinary tap water into something that actually nourishes our bodies and gives water a chance to be alive once again.

Importance of Water for Health

Water is not just a vital resource for sustaining life—it's an integral part of our very being. On a molecular level, human beings are over 99% water, with water molecules comprising the majority of our cells, tissues, and organs. This profound connection to water underscores its importance in every aspect of our existence.

While it's commonly stated that the human body is around 70% water, this figure represents an approximation of total body water content. However, when we consider the percentage of water molecules within the body's molecular composition, the figure surpasses 99%.

This realisation highlights the profound impact that water has on our health and well-being. Every function of the body, from digestion and circulation to temperature regulation and waste removal, relies on water to operate efficiently. When we prioritise the consumption of coherent, structured water and nourish our bodies with the hydration they need, we support optimal health and vitality on every level.

Coherent Water for Optimum Health

Within our bodies, water plays a crucial role in every physiological process, from cellular communication to nutrient transport and waste removal. However, not all water is created equal. Coherent, structured water, such as that found in natural springs, is more conducive to our body's function than the immature tap water that many of us consume daily.

Coherent water exhibits a well-organised molecular structure, allowing for optimal hydration and cellular function. In contrast, tap water lacks this coherence, with its molecules in a disorganised state due to the processing and chemical treatments it undergoes.

When we consume coherent water, our bodies can more effectively absorb its nutrients and utilise its energy, leading to improved overall health and vitality. By prioritising the consumption of water that is remineralised (I like to add these minerals and Celtic Sea Salt) and then also structuring water, by utilising tools like the Analemma Wand (which you can learn about and buy here) to enhance its coherence, we can support our body's natural healing processes and unlock our full potential for wellness.

The Memory of Water: Holding Humanity's Stories

Water is not created or destroyed in large quantities but rather cycles continuously through the planet's ecosystems. When we realise this, and in turn realise therefore that the water that lives in us, in this very moment, has seen multiple other incarnations, we realise that within us we are carrying the collective memories of humanity and the natural world.

In its journey through rivers, oceans, and clouds, water absorbs and integrates the energy and information it encounters along the way. From the ancient glaciers of distant mountains to the bustling cities teeming with human activity, water bears witness to the stories of our planet's history and evolution.

The more I contemplate the interconnectedness of all life, the more I have realised that the water flowing through our bodies is the same water that has flowed through countless generations before us. It carries the imprint of our ancestors, the echoes of their struggles and triumphs, and the wisdom of their experiences.

By honouring and respecting water as a sacred vessel of memory and consciousness, we acknowledge our interconnectedness with all living beings and the intricate web of life that sustains us. Through mindfulness and intention, we can infuse our interactions with water with reverence and gratitude, recognising its role as a source of nourishment, healing, and spiritual connection.

Exploring Water Consciousness

Recently Caleb (my son) and I fell in love with Philip Pullman's epic saga, His Dark Materials. My fascination with Quantum Physics has passed on to Caleb, and so the fact that these books have the concept of consciousness centre stage, weaving a tapestry of interconnectivity between beings and the very fabric of the universe, pleased us immensely. Throughout, as we journeyed alongside Lyra and Will through parallel worlds, we were reminded of the fundamental truth that consciousness precedes all else.

Just as Lyra's alethiometer reveals hidden truths, Caleb and I are realising more and more (as he is now also obsessed with water), that so too does our exploration of water consciousness unveil the interconnectedness of all life. When you start to delve into the work of Veda Austin’s work with water you get a glimpse of the underlying intelligence that permeates the cosmos, as water shares its messages with us and all of the wisdom it holds.

Drawing upon the insights of women such as Veda Austin and Isabel Friend, Caleb and I are deepening our understanding of water as more than a mere physical substance, but instead as a living, breathing entity with its own consciousness. We have recently ordered glass petri dishes to do our own investigations with water, and start a deeper relationship with it, as Veda teaches us. Even though it has been 20 years in the making, I feel we are now more than ever, through reverence and respect, creating a more symbiotic relationship with water in our home, honouring its innate wisdom and nurturing its vital role in sustaining our lives and all life on Earth. If you have yet to explore water this depth I encourage you to do so - I feel sure that between us all we have so much to learn.


If you resonate with this blog, I invite you to join a call I am hosting on 22nd April on Water, Coherence and Frequency. You can register here.

To follow along with my thoughts + feelings, and life adventures, you can find me on Instagram here or you can join my newsletter here. I would love to hear from you if this is something you also choose to explore - the bigger the community around me the better!


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