The Feminine and Money: Breaking through the stories we hold


The History (Herstory)

When it comes to the conversation around women and money there exists a profound interplay between the history of women’s financial sovereignty and the resulting impact on the stories women hold around wealth and their worthiness to receive and hold it.

Throughout history, women have encountered numerous obstacles that have impeded their financial autonomy and hindered their ability to ‘play’ in the field of money and abundance. However, it's equally important for me to note upfront that embracing feminine energy in money doesn't necessarily mean emulating traditional masculine paths to financial success.

Let’s explore this a little here:

  1. Limited Economic Opportunities: Traditional gender roles confined women to domestic spheres, limiting their opportunities to earn income outside of caregiving and homemaking roles. This lack of financial independence restricted women's access to wealth and economic power. We know this, and have most likely witnessed it in our mothers and grandmothers. I don’t want to jump on the ‘feminism bandwagon’ with this one because I actually do believe that in many instances women are happiest in the caregiving and homemaking role, and in fact the push many of us felt to ‘be and do it all’ has had its own impact on our happiness and health. However, what is important to note, is that the lack of choice without doubt left its mark on women’s ability to even believe they were capable or deserving of attracting money in to their lives.

  2. Systemic Discrimination in the Workplace: Even when women entered the workforce, they faced systemic discrimination such as unequal pay, limited job opportunities, and barriers to career advancement. Gender biases and glass ceilings persisted, and indeed continue to persist to this day, undermining women's efforts to achieve financial parity with their male counterparts. This again opens up a topic for me as to whether I even believe woman should be aiming to be ‘the same’ as men when it comes to work. I actually don’t. I believe more and more that we are designed to bring in abundance in a very different way, but still the historical context is important when looking at why we hold the beliefs we do.

  3. Legal Restrictions on Property Ownership: Laws historically favoured men in terms of property ownership, inheritance rights, and financial decision-making. Women often had little to no control over assets or access to resources without male consent, further perpetuating their economic dependence.

  4. Limited Access to Financial Resources: Women were frequently excluded from formal banking institutions and denied the right to open bank accounts or access credit without male authorisation. It shocked me when I discovered recently, that it wasn't until as recently as 1975 that women could open a bank account in their own name. Even then, single women still couldn't apply for a loan or credit card without a signature from their father, regardless of their earnings!

  5. Cultural Conditioning and Gender Stereotypes: Societal norms and cultural beliefs reinforced the idea that men were the primary providers and decision-makers in matters of finance. Women internalised these beliefs, leading to feelings of inadequacy or unworthiness when it came to managing money or pursuing financial goals. Moreover, women were often conditioned to trade their skills for other skills or favours rather than financial compensation. This historical practice makes it harder for women to accept monetary reward for their talents and expertise.

Where are we now?

Having listed out the above, it is no surprise that the legacy of these obstacles continues to influence women's attitudes and beliefs about money, often manifesting as subconscious blocks or limiting beliefs. Yet, as I have touched upon already, my belief diverges from the notion that women should strive to mirror the earning patterns of men in order to break down these blocks and bring money into their lives.

As I mentioned above, the feminist movement, while instrumental in breaking down barriers and expanding women's choices, has also fostered a narrative that women should pursue careers and financial success in the same manner as men. However, I believe this approach has had unintended consequences, contributing to a myriad of health issues for women and disrupting the balance within families and communities.

I believe we are living through a paradigm shift—one that celebrates the unique strengths and qualities inherent in femininity, including receptivity, intuition, and nurturing. Rather than striving to mirror traditional masculine models of success, I am seeing women begin to harness their feminine energy to attract abundance into their lives while also prioritising the stability, nurture, and love that are foundational to the home environment.

Embracing feminine energy in the realm of finance involves reclaiming power and rewriting narratives that have long confined women to the sidelines of economic life. It's about recognising and honoring the unique strengths and qualities that women bring to financial stewardship: intuition, empathy, and collaboration.

Breaking down the stories

Over the last decade I have worked with thousands of women, and seen over and over again that the main thing that holds them back from claiming the life they are desperate to live, is their belief in themselves and their worthiness of success. It is essential for women to work through the stories and limiting beliefs that have been ingrained over generations, perpetuating cycles of scarcity and disempowerment. By acknowledging and confronting these narratives, women can begin to dismantle them and clear the path for true abundance and financial empowerment.

This process of self-reflection and inner work may involve identifying and challenging societal conditioning and generational patterning from their families, confronting fears and insecurities around money, and cultivating a mindset of abundance and worthiness. Seeking support from mentors, coaches, or therapists may be part of this journey, and there is a wealth of books and podcasts that can be found too that are invaluable in navigating this journey of transformation and growth.

By breaking down these stories and clearing the energetic blocks that hinder financial abundance, women can reclaim their power and rewrite their financial narratives on their own terms. In doing so, they not only create opportunities for personal prosperity but also contribute to the collective elevation of feminine energy in the realm of money.

Receptivity and trust

One characteristic of feminine energy in the realm of wealth creation is the emphasis on opening to receiving rather than relentless hustle. If women can tap into their innate ability to receive and manifest wealth in ways that align with their authentic selves, then I have seen how money flows to them. Unlike the traditional masculine approach of striving and pushing, the feminine way embraces the flow of abundance by cultivating receptivity and trust in the natural flow of life, which is possible once we are in the right frequency.

When women nourish and nurture their bodies with good food, clean and well-structured water, cut out toxicity in products and the wrong people in their lives, work with frequencies, sleep well and be with Mother Nature as much as possible, as well as practices such as visualisation, connecting into their innate sexuality and anything that gives them permission to let go of the ‘need to hustle’, then they can powerfully cultivate abundance.

By reclaiming balance and authenticity in the realm of finance, women can redefine success on their own terms, forging paths that honour both their financial aspirations and their roles as nurturers and caretakers. This holistic approach not only fosters personal well-being but also contributes to the creation of more harmonious and naturally balanced societies.


As we stand at the threshold of transformation, it's clear that the journey to financial empowerment for women is multifaceted and deeply personal. By acknowledging the historical context and societal narratives that have shaped our beliefs about money, we take the first step towards reclaiming our power and rewriting our financial stories.

We complete the process through inner work and self-reflection, and in doing so we will break down the stories and limiting beliefs that have held us back, clearing the path for true abundance and prosperity.


If you resonate with this blog, invite you to join me and Jody Shield on April 3rd for a Money Mastery Workshop, where we'll delve deeper into these topics and provide activations to support you in navigating your own journey to financial empowerment. You can register for this workshop, which will happen on 3rd April at 7pm UK time / 1 pm PST here.

To follow along with my thoughts + feelings, and life adventures, you can find me on Instagram here or you can join my newsletter here. I would love to hear from you if this is something you also choose to explore - the bigger the community around me the better!


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